Who we are

Cassie Cotton



Cassie Cotton is a mission-oriented communications expert, fueled by her love for impact work and a good cup of coffee. She’s a visionary leader who develops innovative strategies that authentically resonate with audiences and align with clients' visions. By infusing her work with creativity and a keen understanding of audience dynamics, Cassie enables organizations to authentically connect with their target demographics and achieve their communication objectives in a compelling and impactful manner.

Leading the talented team at P&G, Cassie fosters an environment of creativity, collaboration and continuous learning. She values diverse perspectives and recognizes that collective brilliance drives agency success. Her dedication to innovation and forward-thinking approach, enables the agency to offer cutting-edge services and adapt to clients' evolving needs in the PR world.

With a B.A. in public relations and business from Coe College and an M.A. in strategic communication from Michigan State University, Cassie brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to her role as President. She also invests in the future of the industry, mentoring and supporting aspiring PR professionals through her involvement as an adjunct instructor and dedication to PRSSA chapters. 

Outside of her professional pursuits, Cassie embraces adventure and curiosity with her husband, Charles, and their son. While currently residing in Metro Detroit, she considers herself somewhat of a nomad, believing that home is wherever her family is. Embracing the flexibility of remote work, Cassie's travels, camping, biking, and culinary explorations inspire fresh perspectives that enrich her work. Cassie embraces new experiences and pushes boundaries, bringing wonder and innovation to her work. Immersed in the world beyond her office, she infuses strategic communications with creativity, adaptability, and an appreciation for diversity. Her adventurous spirit and unwavering curiosity serve as a constant source of inspiration, allowing her to approach challenges with an open mind and uncover innovative solutions that drive success for her clients.

Cassie’s leadership, strategic mindset, and commitment to innovation position Piper & Gold as a trusted partner for authentic and impactful communication solutions. Her passion for education, mentoring, and life's adventures further underscore her well-rounded approach to making a lasting impact for P&G clients and the field of public relations.


  • Managed the 2020 annual giving campaign for the Ronald McDonald House of Mid-Michigan that resulted in more than a 75% increase in contributions and increased the overall number of donors. All while decreasing production and campaign costs. 
  • Developed a comprehensive research report that used primary and secondary research to gather insights and feedback on labor and delivery experience for a large health care system in Michigan. The response goals were exceeded by 140% for the survey and hosted eight focus groups gain further insight.
  • Created a social marketing recruitment campaign for a new program within the Michigan College Access Network, called College Completion Coaches. The campaign resulted in filling all 23 positions for the 18 different college host sites and generated over 600 link clicks.