Category: What's new

It always feels like bragging to talk about our work. But here’s the thing – we need to just get over it.
Join our team as a PR Student Strategist
Feb 18, 2021
Category: What's new

We all want to wake up every day knowing we’re going to accomplish something that matters.
#WhyApply with Dr. Charles Cotton III
Sep 18, 2020
Category: What's new

A note from P&G: One of the things we've learned as allies — and a group of mostly white gals — is that when you have the opportunity to amplify the voices of others: you do it.
Category: What's new

It feels like a weird time to “celebrate” anything. Yet we strive to do work that makes an impact and creates a more equitable society, and the validation of our peers and recognition within our industry really does mean something to us.
Stay connected, stay local
May 6, 2020
Category: What's new

I had the chance to share with the Lansing Chamber ways businesses and organizations can stay local and stay connected with their customers, even if things are far from normal right now.
Category: What's new

COVID-19 has been scary for all of us. As we lose friends and colleagues, and start to experience people we know fighting this disease, it makes it all very real.
Category: What's new

Malorie Zimmerman is ready to take on the world with a strong cup of coffee and eight hours of sleep under her bold statement belt.
Category: What's new

We are thrilled to welcome our newest member to the P&G fam: Zoya Shevchenko, Student Creative Strategist.
Your story matters, especially at the holidays
Dec 21, 2019
Category: What's new

Earlier this month, we announced this holiday season, we are focusing on ...
We're hiring a communications strategist
Dec 5, 2019
Category: What's new

The communications strategist provides strategic communications counsel, direction and oversight for assigned client accounts, as well as high-quality execution of client and agency deliverables.